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Fred Man

A nick name given to a person with the birth name Fred/Freddy often used by friends.

Freddy : Hey, whats up guys?
Guys : Nothin much Fred Man!

by yaboinick June 5, 2017


Man-purring man purr AKA snoring; After going on a sports camp with several dad helpers there was one dad who snored constantly throughout the night. After several hours of sleepless annoyance, the rhythm of the snoring became deliriously comforting and relaxing, vaguely like a fat cat purring when it is content. Some of the coaches (and dads) complained the next morning of the constant snoring, but the 'man-purrer' awoke refreshed and oblivious to the issues he created. Snoring is a derogatory term for a natural and innocent act, blamed mostly on men. The dads all later agreed that we only snore because we are exhausted and contented - thus the term 'Man-purring' was coined. Man-purring is a far more politically correct name for an outdated, derogatory and argument-causing term known annoyingly as 'snoring'. 'Man-purring' displays to our partners a more innocent and sincere meaning for a common and natural phenomenon - "Men - do we snore? No, we 'man-purr.'"

Wife "I hope you slept well last night, you kept me awake with your continual snoring",
Husband "Darling, I'm so sorry, it wasn't deliberate - I didn't mean to snore, it was only man-purring. When I'm sleepy and laying next to you, you make me feel so relaxed and happy with life so I 'man-purr' ...I love you so much!

by Brett Witherby January 15, 2017

aint it man

u agree or sumthin that is acceptable
Louisiana slain

Man she throwed.
Aint it man.

by chalie freeway June 3, 2009

Lemon Man

A sexist male on Twitter; Anti-feminist

The lemon man would later regret his experience with social media.

by SugarNat November 29, 2018

c00chie man

A man who is in fact a different breed from us who spends his life saving people and being different

Jeremy: have you heard the news? A prison is being blown up
c00chie man: I’ll save you. Bc I’m different.

by c00chie queen October 16, 2020

Cuts Man

Probably the hardest boss in Megas Man 1

Cuts Man: Cuts Man's the name, cutting's my game, and I don't mean hair!

by SuperKingKamehamehaBiatch January 3, 2021

man jock

When you're at the gym and another guy starts staring at you like you would prefer women too. This usually progresses into a bromance filled with compliments such as.

"Bro, do you compete in fitness shows?"

"Wow, breh, you got some cannons there breh, how'd you get them?"

"Ah brah you look amazing brah, whats your body fat percentage?"

I was at the gym getting a double at five hundred on deads and all they guys started man jocking.

When I put up four plates on bench this dime pieces boyfriend started to man jock. It was fulfilling.

by HasanAbulFez October 11, 2013