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Dad roulette

You and your friends mix your cum together and inject it into a (consenting) woman. whenever the baby is born get a dna test done and whoever is the dad wins.

Yo you tryna play a game of dad roulette?

by Watch "cool as ice" December 19, 2020

bloxbrug dad

A fake dad to give you therapy because how you lost your dad IRL

Bloxbrug dads these days.....

by dudecoolbrojeez September 13, 2022

Bloxbrug dad

A Roblox dad. A bad dad. Mostly 5yr old's are controlling this charter. Dose bad job RPing (most of the time). Gonna have drama.....

Dude really? Your gonna be a bloxbrug dad? well... Goodluck!

by September 13, 2022

Bi-lo Dad

A low income single dad that lacks personality and is the embodiment of mediocrity. Can be seen shopping at Bi-Lo usually looking for a special on Fish fingers or LA Ice cola. Can often be heard using phrases such as “There’s food at home” or “I always loved your mother mate”

Geoff is such a Bi-Lo Dad he literally only buys home brand just to save 10$

by April 5, 2023

god Dad

When you’re fucking the child’s mom really really good and she decides to say that she wants her son to be raised by you so you can teach her hoodrat son to fuck women good too

Please be my Son’s God Dad so he can fuck bitches silly and make him their God Dad

by Butta Flyy September 2, 2022

dad lore

The craziest and amazing stories your dad tells you about his life before he married your mother. They'll have you in awe, crying on the floor laughing, and jealous that your stories are lame in comparison.

Dad"Did I tell you the time I went backpacking through Europe"
Me "What? no you never told me that?
Dad " yeah well I did for 6 months. It was okay. I joined a soccer team and played in Barcelona for a couple of years. Anyway, when I first got to Spain I participated in the running of the bulls, and I jumped on one and was able to ride it through the whole thing. It was pretty cool"
Me "You rode bull? You went to Barcelona and played soccer??"

Dad " Yeah we had some crazy parties..."

Me" really?? tell me please"
Dad"haha another time. maybe when you're older"

me" you got the best dad lore"

by dr.marly December 10, 2023

Step dad joke

Dad Joke to offensive to tell your own children, but if it’s someone else’s you don’t care.

I probably shouldn’t tell you that joke. It’s more of a step dad joke.

by John Bob Poff July 19, 2023