Source Code

douche points

if someone does something bad to you then they are a ten on the douche scale

shut up man you just got you self 10 douche points

by squash90 March 11, 2008

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man in fruity banana undies found typically in dumpsters soaking his balls in gravy

WOW Tony you're such a douche-towel

Faggot, douche-towel butthole

by FlossyMango - My xbox gamer April 6, 2009

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conservative douche

Usually a person who says one thing, doing the opposite and calling it fake news when others call them on it.

Trump is a conservative douche.
Conservative douche Roy Moore loves family values when they aren't older than 17 years old.

by AlternativeFactsAreLies December 17, 2017

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douche bag

Complete loser, talks a lot of crap, thinks he knows it all but in fact knows nothing, an inept intefering nuisance

Schooners over there pretends to be an experienced surfer, when, in reality he doesn't surf, what a douche bag

by surfchick69 November 20, 2010

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douche nozzle

Leader of the free world as of January 20th, 2017.

Today, January 20th 2017, the American people witnessed the inauguration of the first douche nozzle for the office of President of the United States.

by Dinglenougats January 20, 2017

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An ADJ used to describe one of your many dumbass friends, replacement for the more popular "douche-bag"

Dumbass friend: fish?
You: Shut up, douche-nozzle

by joe bob....tony? October 17, 2008

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N. A combination douchebag and asshole.

Man, leave me alone and quit being such a douche-hole.

by Moontos November 22, 2006

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