Drinking an alcoholic beverage while taking mushrooms.
Hey I got a 40 oz of mad dog and some shrooms wanna ghetto flip tonight?
Man I'm hella ghetto flipping balls right now
When a fart travels towards the front but doesn’t come from or go into the vagina.
Hey girl, I just had a front flip fart.
Performing a U-Turn in an intersection after a stop sign.
Sam had to flip a poodle to head back to the garage sale.
noun. the combination of a psychedelic research chemical with an empathogenic research chemical
verb. taking said combination of chemicals.
I had a great time when I took that chemist flip
To change your mind repeatedly, without regard for the effect on others. To waffle. See Brett Favre, 2008-2009.
Steve originally said he was going to the party, and then changed his mind, like, four times. Total flip-favrer.
She said she wanted to go sky diving, but she flip-favred so many times I just gave up.
when a wrestler does a backflip OVER another, which makes it look sexual, and owning the other wrestler. (they have pants on)
Dude, did you see "Johnny Joe Janson" Epic Sunset Flip "Jose Jorhee Jalopeeno"?
Combining ecstasy and viagra to increase the sexual desires of a long night of partying.
dumbass1-Bro, let's start stiffy flipping!
dumbass2-Aight, good idea man i'm feelin small anyways