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Furry pink midget

A small man used as living handcuffs in sex with the legs and arms made to be slotted in between holes in the headboard of a bed and pulled on as rock climbing like holds

I like using furry pink midgets in the bedroom they add lots of fun to the experience

by Kinky_collin February 22, 2025

Furry Femboy Day

Furry Femboy Day is a day celebrated on November 20th all about Furry Femboys. Everyone who's male must become one, and if they don't, They get to be bullied and made fun of.

Girl: Hey babe it's Furry Femboy Day! Become a Furry Femboy or im breaking up with you.
Guy: Ugwh Okway *Put's on thigh highs and wears paw's* UwU!

by JustSplub November 18, 2023

Furry Tonsils

Noun: Male genitalia, nuts, balls, testicles.

"Hey babe, come over here and lick my furry tonsils."

by Gronkobopple May 25, 2022

ogli furry

ugh bro you smell like OOOOOGLI furry πŸ’©

ugh bro you smell like OOOOOGLI furry πŸ’©

by ogli furry May 1, 2021

2πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

furry kitten

A females genitalia.

*Jack and john talking about the night before*

john: How did things go with Lauren last night?

Jack: i dont like to kiss and tell but lets just say we went back to hers and i stroked her furry kitten

john: you slick cunt thats my sister.

by LazyToe December 9, 2017

furry vibes

when u give off the vibes of a furry aka when the vibes are becoming mad furry

β€œhayden is giving furry vibes”

by biggangster November 21, 2021