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a) Potugese warship

b) A kind of Jellyfish that is 100 feet long

c) used to compare to a), something that is quite powerful.

d) Metal Band

c) the man-o-war sized forces attacked Iraq

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 2, 2004

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Italian war medal

A stain from spilled Italian food on one's clothing.

Don't insult him by saying that Italian war medal must be Ragu. The meal was personally made for him by Giada.

by North Central Johnny October 8, 2009

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War thunder

The sexual act of having sex at the highest point in your area while a thunderstorm is happening and see how long you last before you get hit by lightning.

Guy one: β€œYo me and my girl tried a war thunder last night we lasted 20 seconds before we got hit”

Guy two: β€œ You fucking dumbass”

by Beamzhasmemez August 30, 2021

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Language War

When Middle and High school students fight about who's language is best/least gay/coolest.

French and German almost always lose, simply because French is too gay-sounding and German is more or less useless.

Connor and Becky (both of whom took spainish)started a language war. They decided to play dirty and called Mary and Kelly nazis for taking German for the third year in a row.

by Stonebadger August 14, 2007

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The French Wars of Religion

an inter-ethnic civil war in France that ended in 1589

if you want something more interesting than The French Wars of Religion go back to the Crusades of the middle ages and fight people of a different ethnic group.

by Sexydimma November 6, 2019

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The Great Smurf Wars

An event caught in many segment by celebrated documentrist Jerry Springer in which segments of the smurf peoples went to war over ideological differences in regards to Marxism or Maoism and is it morally correct to call she-males smurfettes. The brutal affair claimed many and the streets ran blue with the snot/shit/blood/guts/tears/various body parts of the little buggers. May have gone unnoticed due to inconsequence height wise.

The Great Smurf Wars claimed enough Smurfmen that muffin mix companies just pick up the bodies and add them to their mixes being cheaper than blueberrys (see Smurf-Contra Affair).

by P. Kaltenbach January 7, 2008

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Civil War Beard

A growth of hair on a man's chin, cheeks, and sometimes the upper lip that is at least an inch in length and trimmed neatly. A beard that resembles pictures of soldiers of the American Civil War. Commonly worn by hipsters and Renaissance Festival participants.

"How can you tell that guy's a hipster?"
"He's got a Civil War Beard."

by coborn August 28, 2012

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