Tyler is that type of pretty boy. he is funny and looks great. however tyler will use you to get pleasure for himself and get wit yo best friend.
Omg tyler used me!
tyler got wit my best friend
tyler cheated!
Tyler is an amazing person, he'll treat you amazing and make you so happy for the time you're with him. but he loses feelings easily so you have to remind him why you're with him every day. when you're together you will be the happiest girl ever but when he is gone he will leave you broken. so broken it takes months to recover but its all worth it because you got to love him and be with him for some time. don't mess things up with him. it's my biggest regret. to the person who has him next please treat him amazingly and be there for him always.
is that ur ex tyler
arent you still in love with him
oh shit bro that sux
Tyler is very handsome and cute and all the girls are attracted to him but he only likes girls for there looks just only if he can accept people for who they are and personality he would be more cute but I can't make that choice it's his
Girl one 1) hey do u know that guy Tyler at school he is so cute
Girl 2) yea I like him but he doesn't like me back
very perfect,.,
absolute qt. mwah mwah mwah
large wener
person: omg is that tyler...
me: yes but hes mine >:)
Tyler is an eshay who likes to hang around bong bush and smoke cones. tyler's used words such as eshay to try and act cool.
Friend: Hey wacth out its Tyler
Tyler: Got some ciggys bruh still got 2 days till my centerlink payment.
Tyler: eshay bruh, are thoses tns bruh? hand them over, eshay!
You:Fuck Off
the most amazing person you'll ever meet, although they maybe very troublesome but if you have a tyler in your life, your lucky alright? make sure you never make that tyler leave. He'll get you into new things and hobbies, you'll learn a lot from him, plus hes the most chill person you'll ever meet.
"yo do u see tyler? he's actually so chill"
Tylers are the most one of a kind people around. Their flannels make them stand out in a crowd. Their sense of style lacks but because of their QUIRKY personality, they get away with it. Their handwriting is decent for a guy, and their height is through the roof. They have an uncanny talent for sewing due to their large hands that maneuver through needles and fabric. Their luscious chestnut hair flows like a wave in the wind. They’re great friends to have for their corny jokes, and once again, their QUIRKY personality. If you ever come across a Tyler, don't hesitate to start up a conversation and possibly start the beginning of an amazing friendship... or relationship ;)
Person 1: Whose that person you always hang out with?
Person 2: Oh that’s Tyler
Person 1: Haha what’s he like?
Person 2: Ohhh...he a lil QUIRKY