A app or website known to be a meeting spot for the elite sugar daddy and sugar baby kind. One must prove themselves to be worthy of membership by Money or beautiful presence.
Every time I go to “sugar plumville” I meet a rich sugar daddy or beautiful sugar baby.
What you turn in to when you've had too much sugar but feel like you need more to live.
Symptoms include: Hugging strangers, moaning loudly and laughing at inanimate objects.
We had so much sugar at the sleepover, we turned into sugar zombies. You wouldn't happen to have any sweets, would you?
Sugar Zombie & Sugar Zombie’s are registered copyright protected words and phrases.
A Sugar Zombie is a hybrid human/zombie. Based on the Comic Book “Sugar Zombies 10ZA“
Sugar Zombie(s) have been around since 2009.
when a massive crowd is funneled into a small passageway.
courtney kelly and michael mcswain are like sugar in a colander.....
When one applies some kind of powder to their testicles.
The bald man pulled a 'sugared apple' on stream and got banned.
A temporary state in which sweet food or drink items cause a person to find savory or otherwise less sweet food or drinks less sweet or appealing, when they would otherwise think that it is sweet.
*Drinks very sweet coffee, then eats some jelly toast* “This toast isn’t very good… I’m probably sugar-blind from my coffee.”
“I’ve got sugar-blindness from that donut I ate before supper.”