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National retard day

People act retarded on this day and this day only. Every acts like a retard!

Guy#1:Why are you camping behind that bush in call of duty


by National Retard Day December 20, 2020

National retard day

MAY 23RD - celebrate ur retard homies

homie 1: yo sug happy birthday!
sug in question: it’s march 23rd…my birthdays in july?

homie 1: yea but it’s national retard day!

by abcdefjhijk May 22, 2024

August 28 National date a hooper day

Date someone who plays basketball 🏀

It’s august 28 national date a hooper day. you play basketball “yeah” let’s date

by J0rd@n 23$ August 27, 2022

National Have Sex With Your Friend Day

A day where you can ask your friend for sex (and they might say yes).

You:Hey let's have sex,today's national have sex with your friend day.


by Haideez January 3, 2022

National ask a boy out day

It is on the 69th day of the year, March 10th.

Come on girls, don’t be pussies, ask a boy out!! It’s national ask a boy out day!! You will never know if they like you if you don’t ask!!

by 1737563738jeffvlogs November 7, 2020

freakhaler day

April 19th is dedicated to freakhaler day, freakhaler; the greatest most peaceful group chat to ever walk inhaler twitter. The reason freakhaler day gets celebrated on April 19th is because of Inhalers Bass player Robert Keating’s or BOBBY SKEETZ’s birthday. Bobby Skeetz is a member of said groupcjat under the username ‘imbobbyskeetz’

ohhh yes! it’s freakhaler day and also bobby skeetz day! we must celebrate with a round of bird bingo and watch ginny and gerogia!

by robert keatings #1 woman June 13, 2024

National phone your ex day

Get out your phone and phone that ex on November 24!!

National phone your ex day (Nov 24)

by Blue sky 101 October 30, 2020