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bitch boy

insecure boy who gets offended when you call
him gay bc he’s homophobic but wanks his willy to lesbian porn, claims to have dark humor but the jokes are just : “ i have 7 kids in my basement” “ insert pedo joke here” “ insert racist joke here “ “ insert misogynistic joke here”

they see women as objects and lower than them and get mad at them for not wanting to fuck them yet when a girl has sex she’s a slut and “ belongs to the streets”

bitch boy: women are dishwashers
girl: sexist
bitch boy: women cant take a joke lol fuck women
girl: men aren’t funny
bitch boy: sexist kys stupid female.

by Zillakamislut June 15, 2020

33👍 14👎

Yeh boi

The ultimate meme cry. True meme warriors around the internet all appreciate the "Yeh boi" scream.

Meme warrior 1: Wanna hear my longest "yeh boi ever?"
Meme warrior 2: Bring it on.


by barfled September 17, 2016

20👍 5👎

Crazy Boy

Crazy boy is an affectionate term used to describe one's man.

Night crazy boy.

by Rebel Cowgirl October 26, 2013

21👍 5👎

big boi

Big Boi, Big Boi whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Big Boi, Big Boi whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

A very cool individual.

Damn, I want to be Big Boi

by Dur Pussae DizTroiya June 5, 2014

20👍 5👎

yea boy

1.A form of agreement.
2.A form of exictment.
3.As used in Friday after next.

"Yea boy,that's nice."

by Ryan A.K.A. Leprachaun October 10, 2003

39👍 12👎


basically an edgy boy, will definitely own a long sleeved striped t-shirt, a thrasher shirt, plaid pants/shirt and dr martens. probably has his nails painted black and really messy hair.

Omg i love e-boys, when will you turn into one? I wanna see you wear striped t-shirts underneath a thrasher shirt and chains on ur jeans uwu

by memelord666420333 February 20, 2019

85👍 32👎

batty boi

it means your some one who takes it up the arse from another man. or that you are just a homo sexual in general. It is used as just a sleur most of the time.

Ahhh you iz a batty boi

by Mitch Smith46w45645 February 24, 2009

105👍 43👎