insecure boy who gets offended when you call
him gay bc he’s homophobic but wanks his willy to lesbian porn, claims to have dark humor but the jokes are just : “ i have 7 kids in my basement” “ insert pedo joke here” “ insert racist joke here “ “ insert misogynistic joke here”
they see women as objects and lower than them and get mad at them for not wanting to fuck them yet when a girl has sex she’s a slut and “ belongs to the streets”
bitch boy: women are dishwashers
girl: sexist
bitch boy: women cant take a joke lol fuck women
girl: men aren’t funny
bitch boy: sexist kys stupid female.
33👍 14👎
The ultimate meme cry. True meme warriors around the internet all appreciate the "Yeh boi" scream.
Meme warrior 1: Wanna hear my longest "yeh boi ever?"
Meme warrior 2: Bring it on.
20👍 5👎
Crazy boy is an affectionate term used to describe one's man.
21👍 5👎
Big Boi, Big Boi whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Big Boi, Big Boi whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
A very cool individual.
20👍 5👎
1.A form of agreement.
2.A form of exictment.
3.As used in Friday after next.
39👍 12👎
basically an edgy boy, will definitely own a long sleeved striped t-shirt, a thrasher shirt, plaid pants/shirt and dr martens. probably has his nails painted black and really messy hair.
Omg i love e-boys, when will you turn into one? I wanna see you wear striped t-shirts underneath a thrasher shirt and chains on ur jeans uwu
85👍 32👎
it means your some one who takes it up the arse from another man. or that you are just a homo sexual in general. It is used as just a sleur most of the time.
105👍 43👎