Source Code

Human Milker-o-matic

A pair of tubes in the girl's washroom, sucking milk from their breasts upon them being placed on it, and using half of it gained to make a drug, going in through a 3rd tube forcefully into the girl's mouth. This drug enhanced their breast size, the quantity of milk inside, and makes them act obedient, extremely orgasmic, and stiff to the point where they may be unable to move. This generates near infinite amounts of milk to be sent to the market.

That's why you don't ask how the sausage is made.

Girl1: Do we dare to try it?
Girl2: I say we do it on the count of three.
Both: One, Two, Three!
Boy1 and 2: (Locks Girl's Washroom door)
(Faint moans heard in a bathroom in the middle of nowhere, being sucked into the factory to make the milk, all stemming from the Human Milker-o-matic

by Registered_Fun_Haver May 28, 2022

Human Milker-o-matic

Something located in the womens bathroom. It will suck all milk out of their breasts within seconds. After this, it turns half of it into a chemical that will then be injected into the woman's mouth, that will make their breasts expand and make them obedient, relaxed, and rather stiff, generating near infinite milk.

That's why you don't ask how the sausage is made.

Person 1: I see a Human Milker-o-matic.
Person 2: Could it really hurt to try?
Person3: (Locks bathroom door)
(Faint moans heard from the bathroom)

by Registered_Fun_Haver May 27, 2022

human bacon

An elongated vagina

Jesus Christ!!! That’s a lot of human bacon

by Obamas left hand December 29, 2021

human wikipedia

Someone who is smart and knows generally about anything, but ends up giving either false or too much information.

Example A
Me: Bob, do you know about the Boston Red Sox?
Bob: The Boston Red Sox is an American professional baseball team based in Boston, Massachusetts, founded in 1901. Their uniform consists of a standard baseball cap and shirt, and specifically red socks, hence the name of the team "Boston Red Sox". The Boston Red Sox is currently a member in the Major League Baseball's American League Eastern Division.

Me: K den.

Example B
Me: What's inside a hot pocket anyways?
Bob: Peanut butter, jelly, and two slices of bread.
Me: That's why it tastes like meat, thanks Human Wikipedia!

by So... November 8, 2013


A neo-human is a person that looks athletic and/or strong but is in reality weak and/or unathletic.
A neo-human can also be a person that looks fat and/or weak that is in reality strong and/or athletic.

Marcus: That guy looks like he super strong.
Mancus: He is weak.
Marcus: How come?
Mancus. He is a neo-human.

by the one and only youghurt male May 24, 2024

Human intestines

They are 120 feet long. BOOM BITCH

I told you human intestines are 120 feet bitch

by dickfucking \slut January 6, 2021

The Human Version of a Golden Retriever

A person who makes everyone around them happy, does not do anything particularly complicated or stressful, elicits a smile on the faces of others upon the mere mention of their name, and whom people love being around.

Every group of friends and company needs one. In sports, they are referred to as a Locker Room Guy.

Howard: I swear the only thing good about this job is Andy. Every time I am upset or stressed, I go hang out at his desk and feel better.

Alyssa: Ya, he is The Human Version of a Golden Retriever. Management keeps him around for that reason, to sanitize this shit ass job.

Thomas: Smells like shit, tho

by Mike109999 October 2, 2022