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People thinks it means laugh/laughing of loud but what it really stands for is

L= i
O= dont
L= care

Ur friend sends a 'funny' message and u say haha lol and in reality ur just sitting there not breaking a sweat

by Connor_ok May 27, 2019


Laugh Out Loud

That action was dumb Lol.

by Random Dictionarer September 30, 2023


a lol is going to the nrl with a bunch of badussies that are salty sour pusses.

charlotte and bibi: “that situation was such a lol”
tristan: “i am angry, it’s not funny i feel rejected and hurt”

by oliviamontyyyyyyyyyy June 10, 2023


a lol is going to the nrl with a bunch of badussies that are salty sour pusses.

charlotte and bibi: “that situation was such a lol”
tristan: “i am angry, it’s not funny i feel rejected and hurt”

by oliviamontyyyyyyyyyy June 10, 2023


A word used when people say Lol that's funny, but your only saying that to make yo nibba Mark feel better. All the cringe middle schoolers also say, Ur Mum Lol even tho they don't have a mum.

Mark: Hey man
You : What's up?!
Mark: Ur Mum lol!

You: Lol that's so funny!
(It's not:'( )

by PeTsCoP 2 November 12, 2018


A very old term that your mum probably still uses whilst you shrivel up with a mix of Being cringed out and embarrassed that your mum said the term laugh out loud

Mum:ha lol
Daughter or son :I hate my life

by Igotcalledapeanut August 7, 2017


a person raising their hands.

-what are you up to?
-raising hands?? im all about raising hands!! that so true queen

by Don't even fight me;) November 6, 2020