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A Joke.

Girl: I love you.

Guy: I love you too.

Two weeks later:

Girl: It's over.

Guy: ??! Why?

by ThatDarkK!D October 25, 2010

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Something i feel towards you โค๏ธ

I love you Maddie

by GregsBEANS November 26, 2021

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People caring about you on a deeper scale

Love is something I never had

by Useless Nugget September 11, 2017

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An emotion for posers, it typically hurts a lot, causes you anxiety, agony and ultimately heartbreak.

I love you.

by punxnotdead256 November 28, 2016

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Love is the best and worst feeling that someone can feel. Love is when you would do anything for someone and can trust them to do the same for you. Love is when you care about someone so much that every thought in your mind or action that you preform retains to them. It is when you are with someone and feel incredibly happy, and when you are apart you wish to be with them so much that it hurts you. They are the only person that you think of. Love is the only thing that makes life worth living. It is kind, it is understanding. Love is the only thing that really matters.

I carry on, day after day, for I have known love.

by launchtime222 June 3, 2011

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An intense feeling of deep affection

Jordan loves yianeli more than she loves him

by ThatboiJ December 2, 2018

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My definition of love is connecting with someone you want to spend your life with and doing anything to spend time with them. Love is Love and Love is and amazing part of life that everybody should have. Love is to be cherished. I have never experienced love and that's what I think love is

"I love the way Jimmy does his hair"
"I love Jeff. I want to spend my life with him"

by LoveIsLifeChanging January 26, 2016

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