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Moses Lights

The instant and simultaneous parting of all motor vehicles on a busy or stationary road when the driver can see the flashing blue lights of a police car or ambulance coming up behind them.

1.Moses held out his hand over the Red sea, and the LORD drove the sea back.
The water was divided, and the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with walls of water on both sides.

Hence the flashing blue lights are know as Moses lights due to the power of parting anything ahead of it and driving straight through before the vehicles come back together again.

2.Occasionally on looking in the rear view mirror and being caught off guard by the approaching sirens and flashing lights people have been know to shout "Oh Jesus"..!!!!

by Recudorp October 22, 2013

Keurig blue light special

A phenomena that occurs 2 times a day: morning and afternoon. When crawling to the coffee machine in a desperate need of caffeine, popping in the Keurig coffee pod, watching with anticipation the machine warming up, and to your horror the bright blue light pops on, thus signaling the realization the asshole who last used it didn’t refill the water container.

Joanie shuffled into the kitchen at 6am to get her much needed cup of coffee, and waited the requisite 45 seconds while the Keurig machine warmed up. Then the dreaded blue light appeared. In middle class society, Joanie was afflicted with what has become known as the Keurig blue light special.

by Grant Rampus September 7, 2019


Hoe-light, a unique but effective way for sex workers to solicit clients. Hoe lights are prostitutes who stand on street corners waving two flashlights about using morse code.

Dude there's a Hoe-light over there, she's offering "sucky sucky for 5 dolla"

by Luciousw226 January 31, 2022

light bulbed

a phrase which means going out with your friend while your friend is next to her boyfriend/ his girlfriend.

I'm light bulbed while hanging out with lucy and her boyfriend

by insta:purple_moon_writesss May 5, 2023

the light blue blog

It's the nickname of An Author's Blog during the 2012-2014 era; it's the blog of the publisher of The Ethereal Gazette that does in depth investigative journalism that goes further than some of the major news sources. The noted blog entries "King James Only Examined," "Faustian Bargain," "I Don't Understand (This World)" and "Lying Bastards All Around," then noted for coining Shadow Dolls Plagiarism Affair as he was scammed by the serial plagiarist in the HWA and SFWA in 2007 then finding out about it in 2010 around Halloween. Noted for being home on WordPress.com.

The noted blog of the writer of An Eye In Shadows that paired with Tumblr been prone to engage in Twitter and LiveJournal gangups as seen them in the comments on his own blog, the re-emergence of the blog became noted as the light blue blog that took aim at Anderson Cooper when he was feuding with Smashing Pumpkins lead singer and fellow Glendale Heights notable. Candid life meets in depth reporting as he's often telling the truth at the expense of the rest of the factions of the genre industry busting their corrupt politics. Noted in 2007-2008 to coin Piss Blogger when addressing blogtrolls on YouTube as he saw Something Awful lifting his senior picture as the joke "Hogwarts School of Tabloid and Investigative Journalists" was born from it. He uses documentaries found on youtube to give his investigative entries more venom -- "King James Only Examined" and "Scaring People For Al Time" are the two that caught the most wind for being extremely investigative. His introduction to Buzzfeed was an expose of a former Cradle of Filth backing vocalist suggesting she needed to educate herself further before saying something out of ignorance.

by illinoishorrorman February 11, 2018

Angells, Son Light, Legion

Keller Angell (musical artist) has taken to himself the words 'Angells', 'Son Light' and 'Legion' to associate them with his fans.

"I am an Angell."
"I am a Son Light."
"I'm part of the Legion."

Simply put.

"I'm a big fan of Keller Angell, and therefore I associate myself as an Angell, or as a Son Light, or as a member of the Legion."

Lady Gaga has her "Monsters".
Nicki Minaj has his "Barbz".
Brooke Candy has her "FagMob".

Keller Angell has his 'Angells', his 'Son Light', his 'Legion'.

Upon this, and revealing the Luciferian Spirit, he says:

'- I am an Angel, but, Collectively, I am called LEGION!'

The same words of Lucifer, freeing yourself of the "darkness" and attaining his own LIGHTING and ASCENSION!

angells, son light, legion

by Edgar Van Hellsen December 24, 2016

Brimstone and lighting

A Jamaican Term used when someone says something homesexual that you do not agree with

Person 1 "Mi done stretch out". Person 2 "Stretch out what bruda" Person 3 "Brimstone and lightning Fiyah Fi Dat bruda"

I like men which if you don't agree with you'll say "Brimstone and lighting" which means that's Gay or your gay

by AugustSipsHiTech March 21, 2024