Jacob is a dick and a fat shit he eats whenever he gets a shot if your friends with a Jacob you better be rich because he will go through your whole fridge in a day.
Jacob: Have you got any food
Me: no you ate everything yesterday
When you have sex with someone and then cum all over there face
I Jacob with my fucking sister
An *amazing* person. Super funny.
Someone you can truly trust. Very sensitive and caring. Can be impatient at time when it comes to video games and food but that's okay because those things are /important/.
Literally the perfect male.
They will carry you when you need to be carried and they will hold you as long as you need to be held. They are very loyal and giving to their partners and if you ever get the chance to have one you better treat them right.
If you get a Jacob, *KEEP THEM*. You will never find another like them.
Person: "Who are you dating?"
Autumn: "Oh his name is Jacob and he's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I love him and I am going to keep him forever and he's super sweet and funny and amazing and- ... *continues talking about them and how wonderful they are for 7 years*
Person: *is actually dead*
Jacob is a rich and buff tipe of kid and is the most popular kid in the hole school. Jacob has a ma sion well that's what he says.
Its the rich kid jacob
A very annoying guy that will most likely have a lot of fake friends, Jacob is the kind of kid to interrupt your class just to tell the teacher something they never asked for. Doesn't know how to control his anger and will blow up like a bomb.
Teacher: "All right class now o-" Jacob: "Teacher is your screen saver a waterfall?"