A Sex act popular in medævel times in which one person sticks a flute up another person’s snake burrow and plays a Celtic folk tune, before abruptly breaking off the flute so that part of it remains lodged up the pebble factory, Then farts triumphantly.
Would that thou wouldst rusty gillespie me.
I wouldst.
Oh hell ya
Just blast me off Charlie
You got it
Big rusty nuts is where your ballsack skin starts to peel off
Oh shit, my uncle got him some Big Rusty Nuts
When a woman farts on the inward thrust during anal sex.
The rusty steam engine blew me out and then back in, out and then back in.
When having anal sex with your partner, and you get a corn kernel stuck in the tip you or penis. When you are about to orgasm, pull out and shoot the corn into your partners face
After the BBQ, Jen and I went home and I gave her a Rusty Musket
Using a straw to felch the rusting irony period blood out of a decomposing female corpse( preferably still warm)
Me and cammy went down to the graveyard and did the rusty can on the new corpses being delivered from the morgue. They were still extra fresh and warm!
When a girl gives you a BJ in a car
That hot girl from work gave me a Rusty Trawler last night
When a girl gives you a BJ in a car
That hot girl from work gave me a Rusty Trawler last night