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Flying off a cold shot

An insult to someone's intelligence or ability, or describing an individual who is struggling to keep up with the rest of the pack
. A 'cold shot' refers to a steam-catapult launch from an aircraft carrier when the steam pressure is too low for the launch weight of the aircraft; on reaching the end of the deck, the aircraft is going too slowly for safe flight and may drop dramatically, or even (in extreme cases) ditch. If ditching is avoided, there follows an agonisingly slow climb away with the handle jammed forward and all the gauges pegged in a desperate attempt to gain height and speed.

"So what's the new guy like, any good ?"
"Man, he's flying off a cold shot."

"How's the training going ?"
"I feel like I'm flying off a cold shot"

by Eighth of Seven January 7, 2007

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moonlight butter doesn't fly

Residentsleeper get on the fucking ground because if I remember correctly moonlight butter doesn't fly you idiot.

Man moonlight butter doesn't fly. (Person 1)

That's the moonlight butterfly in a nutshell mate. (Person 2)

by Com guzzling slut December 20, 2020

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flying monkey falcon punch

(noun) While engaging in anal sex with a woman, the male inserts either hand into the vagina, and proceeds to vigorously masturbate his own penis through the vaginal/anal membrane.

"Hey mate, you look happy... What happened last night?"

"I delivered a mean flying monkey falcon punch to the MRS last night!"

"Aww... shit yeah bro! High five!"

by ScottyMate February 3, 2017

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Flying the freak flag

Not only is that bitch freaky, she is dying for someone to notice how freaky she is

Charlotte is flying the freak flag so that everyone knows she is wacked out!

by definitionalist November 4, 2009

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young fly nigga

Some bitch ass niggas that gets no hoes Or money

Hey Look At those broke ass young fly niggas lol

by Unknown85764 July 1, 2017

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Potato Flying

Something that is very tricky. When the English-run coffin ships were leaving Ireland during the famine, they were often overcrowded, and people became desperate to get aboard. Crowds would gather on the edges of the Cliffs of Moher, and, as the ship passed, try to jump on board. Many failed, landing and dying instead in the frigid waters. The English dubbed these attempts "potato flying", and the phrase today has become inextricably linked with attempting and then failing at something.

Person 1: "Hey man, how'd that exam go?"
Person 2: "Pfft, totally potato flew it. That should be one big fat F."

Person 1: "I think I am potato flying at life."

by G_DayStudents February 3, 2011

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super fly hobo slipping

an urban sport in which players dress up like flamboyant 70's pimps and try to steer greased hobos through an "obstacle course." (most often a mall or department store) extra points are awarded to players who engage in business transactions with bystanders who mistake them for real pimps.

For the third year in a row Raunchy McNast is the Super Fly Hobo Slipping regional champion.

by weeZy August 12, 2002

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