When you go for a suicidal walk to clear your head. Sometimes they help sometimes they don't.
Just been for an S walk and feeling much better.
When the cops make you squat and walk while holding your ankles, and continuously cough for the purpose of forcing out contraband that has been hidden inside your pussy or butthole.
Cops: “Alright girls, you know the drill. 10 minutes of the duck walk. If you’re clean, you’re free to go.”
The proper term for the so called “walk of shame”. You’ve just had sex, you feel great and people can see it.
Scott: “Bro did you stay for breakfast?”
Bro: “Just took a detour home to get the most out of my walk of dignity”
someones popped in unannounced and you dab your deafen key after telling your friends
"shit guys i got a walk in brb"
This is a common olden saying that was said a lot back in the olden days. I think I heard someone say this one time awhile ago. You'd rather have a horse that could walk to the water, than two horse that'll cost me more in the long run.
Man that reminds me of the saying "I’d rather a good horse that’ll walk to the river, than have to buy 2 bad horses that will ultimately cost more in the long run"