Some one who's storys are either blatantly full of shit or very flimsy at best.
Mark Whalberg bragging about taking down hi jackers
I would have taken those terrorists out
Mark, you're talking like a man with a paper asshole
65๐ 3๐
A statement that can be made when one around you says something that is complete nonsense, like excessive usage of modern internet slang or memes in regular conversation, or can be used in response to incomprehensible subjects.
Originated from voice edits of Jesse Pinkman and Walter White from Breaking Bad in diners
Jesse Pinkman: Yo Mr. White, did you hear that the new egirl bussy was a doomer based cuck?
How about the time he was ratioed in 4k because he was down bad, fr, on God.
Walter White: Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?
Phrase used after you say something (generally a longer story) and no one responds, similar to how a ted talk works.
You: *tells a long story about how you dropped your enchilada*
group chat: *doesnt respondโ
You: Thank you for coming to my ted talk
246๐ 27๐
When someone is saying something that you have either
A) No clue what the fuck they are talking about, or
B) No interest in it whatsover.
It is basically saying "Shut the fuck up" without offending the person talking. And hopefully, they will get the hint and shut the fuck up.
Example A:
"So, if you just take the Rotation Muffler and place it into the X-axis, then you have a complete circuit."
".............I see what you're talking about."
Example B:
"So yeah, she lost the baby, dude. She's heartbroken about it."
"......I see what you're talking about."
"............You're an asshole, dude."
Celebrities like Kate McPherson have been known to end tweets with this statement. In some ways it's a full on acknowledgement of a personal idea or claim but a dismissal of anyone's negative response to the claim. In other words, I want you to know this information but I am not particularly concerned with your opinion regarding said information.
Nicki Minaj is constantly biting off of Cardi-B...thank you for coming to my ted talk
209๐ 41๐
What about me?
It isnt fair.
I've had enough now i want my share...
13๐ 38๐
Dude claim that bitches be runnin they mouth... but in reality it's them in the locker room talking bout them bitches.
I. Wait... he told you we fucked!?
2. Yeah and gave me details!
1. And they say we talk shit...
2. I know girl... niggas talk more than bitches these days.
14๐ 2๐