The day where you can give a nice kid named Dylan $10, right before he gets pummeled
Give a kid named Dylan $10 day is the best idea known to man
A boy who thinks he knows it all. He will touch himself to the thought of grown old men especially dudes who go by John.
girl 1: do you see that a fucker named levi over there? he is looking scrumptious!
girl 2: girl dont go for him!! he likes hairy horny men specifically named john
The name changer is a account on Instagram known as a crazy, psychopathic “thing”. The name changer has never had a solid name for more then 8 days, and is hard to find on instagram due to the name changes.
“Hey did you hear about the name changer ARG??”
“Yeah I’m scared of that thing
The J name theory is that every (straight) girl has been wronged by at least one J-named ex. Men with J names are usually toxic and manipulative.
Taylor Swift is a prime example of the J name theory
A cute dog that likes to jump on people and doesn’t concert you when you cry. They are small dogs that are annoying and very stupid they always think that there the king and act like they’re the alpha. They always are followed you and will love you until the day you die.
A dog named Wyndham
likes to bark at squirrels and be very annoying, but he’s caring and will do anything for you.
A smaller sibling who boasts about doing great things.
And sir, your a bit of a boaster named bean.
Marshmallow sweet cheeky and always there for you, if you’re upset she will be there by your side making sure that not a single tear drop hits the ground! Loyal and smart ,kind at heart and always only 2 steps behind you like a shadow.
She normally gets everything she wants cos she’s such a good girl . Always right there when you walk thru the door to greet you with a little treat wiggling her bum shuffling her feet.
Dont be fooled by her pretty face and gentle nature though , rub her the wrong way and suffer the consequences hurt the people she loves and you will face the wrath of marshmallow!
Marshmallow name for someone you can’t live with out!
Oh marshmallow you’re the best!! 🥰