One who lives under the bridge and enjoys eating billy goats
"Dude! That troll ate another one of my goats!"
Someone who assumes a different persona online than they would portray in person with their friends and family. In this context of a troll, it means that someone will pretend to be something they’re not for the purpose of fooling people with an alter ego, a different personality or persona, for entertainment and to troll.
Examples of this include YouTube personalities like WoahhVicky, Malu Trevejo, Poppy, HowToBasic, iDubbbzTV, TVFilthyFrank, JennaMarbles, The Hodgetwins, and more.
Person 1: WoahhVicky is such a troll.
Person 2: Yeah, she is. I’d agree that she’s a troll and/or trolling.
-Somebody that an internet "community" disagrees with, e.g. about a game, the debate of genre vs art, the community's own grand selves vs someone with a particular criticism.
-Right-wing propagandists and manipulators.
-Somebody who deliberately provokes and uses confusion tactics and logical fallacies aplenty on the internet. Often and increasingly with a confused fake-moral ideology.
-It's strange how everything is perfect and better than life itself here except for those troll-topics.
-I'm not a troll, I was proving something to you about yourself, then you called me names. You are a troll. I am just very clever at argument and considerate about people who want to be exploited.
-That guy there is legit and has to be protected from a troll. I want to suck his dick for being so not-a-troll.
Definition 1- A single white male aging 6-85.
Definition 2-One who lives his life to make other people mad.
Definition 3-One who claims that mac computers are good.
Definition 4-The Westboro Baptist Church
Definition 5-French people voting socialist.
Definition 6- One who posts more than 5 definitions on urban dictionary. C: (JK)
Oh you're a democrat you must like " Osama Bin LadAN" Note that the troll misspelt words 2 troll.
Bully:Hey dude your face is ugly,can you eat a rat?
Me:LOL,are you kidding OR TROLLING?!
someone who tricks people (not scamming them) over the internet.
"Free coffee? You're trying to troll me right?"
Saying a sentence, or writing some sort of social media post just to get a rise out of everyone. Usually done for Facebook likes.
Brian Mate is the biggest troll in the world