Worst than Ur Mom Gay,Ur dad Lesbian,Ur Bro a Mother,Ur sister a mister,Ur Granny Tanny and Your Grandpa a TRAP...
Matt: "Louis,UR MOM GAY!."
Louis:"Omae wa mou shindeiru!"
Louis:"UR BRO A HOE!"
Matt:*got nuked by North Korea...*
U.S.A:*WWIII starts*
The absolute worst way to totally DESTROY someone in ANY given fight!
Tim: Ur mom gay!
Carl: Ur dad lesbian!
Tim: Ur granny tranny!
Carl: Ur sister is a mister!
Tim: Ur grandpap a trap!
Carl: Ur family tree LGBT!
Tim: Ur Bro a HOE!!
Carl gets disintegrated by ALIENS, THEN GOD FUCKING LEAVES THE SERVER!!!
Worse than all the other phrases. Ruined families and even countries.
Dan: ur mom gay
Frank: ur dad lesbian
Sarah: ur grandma tranny
Nicole: ur sister a mister
John: ur bro a hoe
Everyone starts arguing as the world slowly collapses.
Lithe worst thing you could ever say to anyone
Guy 1 - ur mom gay
Guy 2- no u
Guy 1 - don’t make me say it
Guy 2- do it you fucking pussy
Guy 1 - ur bro a hoe
The world splits in two The third dimension collapsed on its self and the sun implodes
Ugghh i dont know i just wanted to added something
Isnt ur name antonio lmao
A very well meme put in YTP's, This is LITTERALLY one of best insults you could use in Dream SMP, And a good way to be called a simp and have a comeback using the fact that you probably ARE a simp.
Friend: I've seen watch you've been lately, and 10/10 you're a simp
You: If the following is true then. UR MUM GEY
Friend: No! That is untrue
they are breaking up with you because you fucked up