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totally marvelous day

Total Muslim death dog whistle similar to to totally nice day

We need to save Europe have a totally marvelous day.

by Futuretrappers May 13, 2024

Switch girlfriend day

August 19th switch partners with a friend that either has a girlfriend or a friend you think has a thing for your girl.

Omg its nearly switch girlfriend day whose ready to start trouble.

by Sheknowswho. February 6, 2021

National Lulljaime Day

National Lulljaime day was created with the intention to celebrate the birth of a very special New Yorker.
Isaiah Max Claros, Age 16 as of 01/18/22, was born in Brooklyn, New York. He moved to Long Island at the age of 6 in an effort to escape the trenches for a bit and cool off in the suburbs. It was age 15/16 when his highschool friends began calling him “Lulljaime”, Also known as “The Foo you don’t fuck with”.

He carried this nickname throughout highschool, & altough this holiday is not celebrated on his birthday, the best way to commemorate this holiday is to go to his crib whilst blasting “Side Nigga Anthem”, by his favorite artist since he was little “Vegasmadechriss”.

Lulljaime: Posted up

Fan: Yo, Lemme get an autograph for National Lulljaime Day!

Lulljaime: Igu gang

by javierbigbird1991 January 19, 2022

Slap Ass Day

On November 10 you have to slap girl's ass. If she doesn't want to, slap it twice.

Boy *slaps girl's ass*
Girl: Why didi you do that?!
The boy: it's November 10, slap ass day

by Hossler's wife November 6, 2020

Slap ass day

December 6, the day that anyone can slap anyone’s ass without permission.

my homie, i’m finna slap yo ass, it’s slap ass day!”

by lightskinnn3000 December 5, 2019

Slap ass day

On October 1️⃣4️⃣ of every year is slap ass day

“Oh, hey did you know that Monday is slap ass day

by I can’t see you mom October 11, 2019

Slap ass day

Slap your friends ass for free

Go smack Sally’s butt while it’s still slap ass day

by February 9, 2022