“Someone that is a nerd by heart, NOT by correlation”.
Hey, did you know that Emma is a “true nerd”
Someone that is a nerd by heart, not by correlation.
Did you know that Emma is a true nerd?
The arms of someone who plays video games all day.
Check out the nerd pipes on that gamer! How does he hold up a sandwich?
The arms of someone who plays video games all day.
Check out the nerd pipes on that gamer! How does he hold up a sandwich?
A humorously-sarcastic addendum included in a web-page where someone posts semi-in-depth info, a link, etc., about something dat only a very few humans on Earth would likely have any significant interest in (such as dat November 12th, 2010 is da FIFTY-FIFTH anniversary of da infamous nineteen-FIFTY-FIVE Hill Valley lightning storm), but dat said data-poster knows would indeed be very interesting to said "select few", and so he's taken it upon himself to scatter around and obtain said greatly-craved resources, specifically to cater to his fellow "nerds".
The Fonz's motorcycle still exists --- here's a link to a nice page about it, complete with nice color photos and fascinating factoids: onmilwaukee.com/articles/fonzie-bike. P.S. You're welcome, nerds! Knock yourselves out! AY-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y!
2. A specific type of nerd with an overly enthusiastic love and focus for infants and toddlers. Could be characterized by Juvenile behaviour, babyish soft voice , and activities, themes , decor etc geared to 0-4 year olds.
Ill support your reborn baby hobby but im not going to be a ‘baby nerd’ like your friend and her husband because its too awkward corny and mushy for me.
Someone who is obsessed with death & gore. Usually limited to avid fans of extreme Horror genres such as Splatter/Gore films &/or Shockumentary films like Faces of Death & Traces of Death. This can also be used to define people simply obsessed with death & dying (Goth lifestyles) or in professional settings (such as the Medical field or Mortuary practices.)
Gina has watched Der Todesking: Suicide King over 10 times now, she's such a nekro nerd!