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the fake gracie jones 2nd channel

she is some kind of mean user and everyone terimates her


by jayon jahn June 30, 2021

fake G

opposite of top G

man 1 : yo you saw his IG? he's been doing crazy cool shit lately like a G.

man 2: nah bruv. he is faking all those so call cool shit. he borrow cash from others to flex on IG pretending he's rich and G. that my friend is what a fake G look like.

by dude KO May 8, 2023

Fake Parents

People who are not your parents by blood or law, but act as such regardless.

Homie #1: "Ever since my dad left and mom started smoking crack, I've been spending most nights at Jack's house. His parents are super nice, they don't mind me being over so much at all."

Homie #2: "That's great man, it sounds like you've got yourself some fake parents."

by The Rhino Hunter, Edgar November 2, 2023

Fake Misted

When a guy intentionally has a 'dry' orgasm inside of a girl without her knowledge.

"Dude I totally fake misted Amber the other night and she didn't have a clue!"

by Bdizzledog March 1, 2024

tis fake!

If someone makes a ornument that looks expensive.

Tis fake!

by xdr5t3evq3q October 27, 2023

fake decent

Something you say when you lie about something being good/having a good standard. Originated by Plaqueboymax

Bob: "You fuckin' with my new song bro?"
Sean: "Nah this fake decent fasho."

by Fheudh October 10, 2024

5👍 23👎

Fake Airpods Owner

Calling someone this will absolutely ruin them. They will be forced into social outcast for the rest of their school life until they change their appearance, usually bleaching their hair, making themselves look like they just had molten gold spilled all over themselves.

Hey, that blonde really looks like the fake airpods owner we saw back then in high school

by Artem_retarded March 1, 2021