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Panda Dancing

Panda dancing came into practise when two year 10 pupils at a secondary school decided to dance and race pandas, these teenagers were called Niall (Panda) and Chris (Beans. Obviously racing pandas isn't allowed so they made themselves into pandas. This sport is fun and gets children out the house (mainly because it happens at schools).

Racing across a field like a panda dancing

by Niall (Panda) November 11, 2006

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snap dance

horrible dance performed by hoes. basically a bunch of pointless stomping and hand clapping

"Yo Damien, yo' bitch is doin that crazy snap dance shit again, teach dat ho how da dance fo real"

by Rayddd November 8, 2007

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Dancing Flamingo

A Dancing Flamingo is were the male sex partner does the shuffle while the female sex partner paints the males penis pink resembling a dancing flamingo, when the penis is pink the couple begin to have anal sex. But Suddenly! A random hobo breaks into dance while masturbthatating over interacial donkey porn, suddnley triggering world war 9 and a half in volving the jews and half hippo,morrocion,bird, walrus's who have laser guns that shoot out bannahs filled with C4. Compared to the jews waepons witch make up of top hats filled with money. Happy Dancing!

Guy 1: Hey have you heard of a Dancing Flamingo?

Guy 2: *Falls dead*

Guy 1: Was it really that bad?

by Cyris97 December 31, 2011

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Man Dance

a girl's first slow dance with a man, preferably a pirate, because a pirate is a real man. The man usually makes a few attempts a spinning the girl as well.

*the ideal song that would play during this occasion would be Dance with You by Live.

As she stood alone awkwardly on the dance floor, the pirate came up and asked to dance with her. Afterward her sisters were jealous that her first man dance was with a pirate.

by zenhas January 12, 2009

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"Oh Fuck!" Dance

A dance in which two or more people face each other with wide-eyed, mouth-agape faces as if in a state of hysteria and wave both arms in the air. Performed only under all of the following circumstances:
1. The dancers are high on marijuana.
2. A strobe light is on, going to the beat of good music in an otherwise pitch black room.
The effect brought to the dancers after 30 seconds or so is a state of intensity and possible hilarity. However, what is hilarious to some gives others seizures...

"I was so high that I couldn't even handle doing the, "Oh Fuck!" Dance with Thomas. I seriously felt like I was going to have a seizure!" (I know that it should be 'Oh Fuck!' Dance but Urban Dictionary told me it had to be "Oh Fuck!" Dance.)

by DifferentTypeofSantaClause August 13, 2008

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People Dance You

A trolling term used to irritate one who is easily troll-able. Once you see this person, you have the obligation to dance him/her. This can be done by surrounding this person, and jumping around them or pushing them. It can also be used to make someone gain popularity, for the amount of attention they receive from being danced by others on sight.

These words were found in the F train while in the Lower East Side in Manhattan, NY. In a subway column in a station, you can find the infamous People Dance You.

Steve: You know what?
Jeff: What?
Steve: People will dance you jeff.

Jeff: man what are you talking about?
Steve: I say, PEOPLE DANCE YOU!!
(crowd of jumping people suddenly appear)

by CrazyBTman May 22, 2011

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Blood On The Dance Floor

Blood On The Dance Floor or BOTDF is a kick ass electronica/crunkcore band. Originally consisted of Dahvie Vanity and Chris, then Chris quit and Garrett Esctacy joined. Then after he quit, Jayy Von Monroe joined...and the group has been the better for it ever since. Dahvie is straight and Jayy is Bi-sexual. Their genre of music is relatively unique to itself. Most all of their music is obsene but fun, has to do with sex, or is sex related. Not the music your mom would appreciate. They've recently made their own label, CANDYLAND INDUSTRIES. They're becoming ever more popular and their apparel is starting to be sold at hot topic. Definately a band to check out if you're into scene. You can also buy their apparel at botdf.bigcartel.com/products

Girl 1: Hey, ever heard of BOTDF?

Girl 2: Sha! I'm a member of the Slash Gash Terror Crue!

Girl 3: Yeah, Blood On The Dance Floor is awesome!

by LexieMo92 February 20, 2011

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