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an absolute maniac. He's a good person, but an absolute 100% push on till death, horrible idea-making person. he will also do crazy stuff for fun or because someone paid him 50 bucks, or maybe they said "no balls". If you didn't ask him a question, but looks like he's thinking, get the fuck away IMMEDIATELY, he's coming up with something that will get someone killed. Other than that, a good training coach. he's also a bit insecure of the way he looks, but still pulls relatively well.

you see that guy over there punching a tv? why's he doin that?
oh, thats Donald. he joked around about it and i said no balls.

by "That handle is already in use October 9, 2023


The male "Karen"

"...and then he asked for the manager. He's such a Donald."

by Klepads March 13, 2024


Someone who will never go fishing. They always say they will, but they never show up.

My buddy and I were going to go do some fishing, but he pulled a Donald

by Big papa77 September 25, 2022


He is a poor man's idea of a rich man, a weak man's idea of a tough man and dumb man's idea of a smart man.

Yeah, my boss is a Donald.

by Booksy October 27, 2020


the most NPC person you will ever know hes like a brick and very sweaty and orange.

bro here comes donald

by MC7ever February 7, 2023


A word similar to Bafoon, Idiot, Mongoloid or any other "dumb" synonym.

I don't think i have to say where i got the name of the word.

"Man, did you hear Stevens doesn't wear a mask? He's such a Donald."

"Stop being a Donald and preach for Trans Rights!"

by A Very French Fry September 10, 2020


A gay person who sucks Greg

You’re a Donald

by Why do you do this to me November 8, 2019