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lee strike

Random articles of refuse left behind by a certain coworker

Who left this shit in my work area?”
“Dude, you just got hit with a Lee strike!”

by Gspot-gman October 29, 2021

lee ham

1/2 of the hottest people in the world,
Extensive knowledge on the Angry Birds lore and name dropping Michelle Sarah

Person A: “Did you see Lee ham in the hallway? I wonder what he’s listening to.”

Person B: “Probably ‘Booty Store’ by Your Favorite Martian!”

by rigby October 1, 2021

Jeffrey Lee

Jeffrey Lee is a bad person who tortures animals

The penguins remind me of Jeffrey Lee, because he is a bad person both objectively and morally.

by jeffrey lee hurt me July 22, 2020

jittleyang (jit-lee-ang)

something you REALLY do NOT want to be. jittleyang references a fugly, smelly, nasty, whore-like individual.

furthermore, a fuhuhluhtoogan is a person with good, well defined morals and a strong sense of integrity. you just know it’s TIGHT.

in the tiktok jittleyang v fuhuhluhtoogan universe, it is a well known fact that all jittleyangs should expect to rot in hell for eternity due to the atrocities they commit, including but not limited to: just identifying with the jittleyangian people, jittleyanging on the streets, being a freak in da bed, getting freaky, and having piss kinks.

are you a jittleyang (jit-lee-ang) or a fuhuhluhtoogan..?
cuz you DO NOT want to be a jittleyang.

by Lovelukeandhateava May 10, 2024

5👍 5👎

Bruce Lees

The state of a woman's breasts when sexually aroused; hence Bruce Lees - 'hard nips'.

I only had had to stroke her charlies a few times before the Bruce Lees came out.

by manoftrent November 28, 2017

Bruce Lee

(v) Another way of saying you are going to kick someone’s ass, the same way that the actor Bruce Lee used to in the movies.

Don’t make me Bruce Lee your ass.

by SiL3Nt J September 12, 2023

Bruce lee

A very sexy Asian that is very good a fighting

Do you know Bruce lee?
No who is he?

by Tokyomochi January 31, 2020