A day where people with good heart and beautiful mind were born on this day. You should be lucky if you have one of them around you.
Taxoulis: When is your birthday?
Cucurbita: It's on April 13th
Taxoulis: Please marry me
the most beautiful people every are born on this day, they are also hyped up and cant controll themselves and you shouldn't give them red bull.
random: Hi
April 13th dude: yo
Random: what you want to drink
April 13th dude: red bull
Random: hell nahhhhh
Tell people that are born in April 13 is cute💘
“ are you born on April 13?”
“ yes why?”
“Your cute💗”
This is a day where we dedicate all of our time to make tico happy! Even though he is a bitch and has a chode we make this day for him as a big apology. We all love you tico (😬) #ticoawearnessday #gaypride %chodeapretiation
Today is April 13 AKA Tico appreciation day
On March 13th, like Mar10 and Mar13 day, it spells out C4ll13 in reference to the Splatoon character named “Callie”.
On this day, you must play Splatoon 2 if you own it, no questions asked.
Glorified Cultist of Splatoon: Ayo, it’s April 13th!
Sane Individual: What the fuck are you talking about
Glorified Cultist of Splatoon: We are playing Splatoon 2
The dat that bad bitches and thiqq bitches born
Malorie: Ayy you look thiqq today
Me: its my birthday 🥳
Malorie: ayyy me too bitch
Caleb: ayy what we celebrating
Me and malorie: Its april 13 its our birthday
Caleb: ayyyyy me too
Send a nigga some titty pics!
Ayo its April 13 send me some tittys butch