When a person's eyebrow are so thin, or even not existent. It is assumed the person plucked their eyebrows so thin, a popular style in the 90s and early 00s, that they can no longer regrow them.
God, her eyebrows are so thin. The 90s hit her hard.
A politically incorrect term used to announce to others that a male has had sexual intercourse with a willing, or in some circumstances, an unwilling participating female. This phrase is commonly used by people who are superior to others in several ways.
Guy 1: Dude, brah, I seriously threw it to her last night.
Guy 2: Seriously , brah ?
Guy 1: 'Kin A. I did. She was the hawtness , too
Person 343: I want to smack her back and leave her fucking dry.
the act of ridding. When a male rids his counterparts finger.
Man, last night was wild. I rid her all night long. -JL
When you cum in her mouth and then punch her in the face, you get red and white just like a peppermint.
"i'm seeing Amber tonight"
"really? peppermint her bro"
To put your fingers inside a girls genitals. To, "give her the fing", persay.
Keith:"Dude, did you fing her last night?"
Keith 2:"Man, you know I did!"