Source Code

National Stomp on Short People Day

October 25th is not National Kick Tall People Day, in fact it's National Stomp on Short people Day. On this day you get to stomp on your short friends.

"Hey, it's October 25th. You know what that means! It's National Stomp on Short People Day!"
*stomps on his short friend*

by thlying October 22, 2020

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

dont put people on here dumbshits

no one wants to know about your gay friends on a fucking dictionary.

teeheehee jim- a hot stud at my school ..... NO ONE GIVES A FUCKING CRUSTY ASSHOLE YOU DUMB CUNT STAIN

by i love my mom May 4, 2003

114πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

National throw short people day

On October 21, you can anybody under 5’4” with no permission needed
Prepare to be yeeted for it is national throw short people day, even people named Jace.

Hey, have you heard that today is National throw short people day? I can't wait to yeet some dwarfs!

by IRFNBR October 21, 2021

176πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

People Against Underage Driving In Reverse

People Against Underage Driving in Reverse, or P.A.U.D.I.R. for short, was formed on January 10th, 2007 after an accident in a residential driveway caused thousands of dollars in damage to a vehicle. The driver not named and under the legal driving age, put a truck in reverse and crashed.

The main mission of the P.A.U.D.I.R is to fight to keep residential streets, highways, and driveways safe from underage driving in reverse....

Oh Shit, People Against Underage Driving In Reverse are going to hunt that bitch down.

by Steve Perry January 11, 2007

64πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Hold Da Door People

One who ask others to hold da door so they can see if da welfare checks come in here.

Hold da door mf so I ca axed if da welfare checks come in here.

by Anonymous August 8, 2003

6πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

national kick tall people day

on november 23rd, you're allowed to kick anyone taller than 5'4 with no consequences.

person1: "hey, it's november 23rd <3"
person2: "okay, and?"
person1: "national kick tall people day"
person2: *runs*

by petalstarlight October 21, 2020

113πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

National Throw Short People Day

On October 21, you can, without permission throw anyone who is 5’ 5” or shorter with no repercussions.

β€œWhat day is it?”
β€œNational Throw Short People Day”

by RoseThrower63 June 19, 2022

23πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž