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Joe Biden/the democratic party

"Uh, umm, uhh, er...former prime minister, uh, liked to take baths up...anyways." - Biden painfully attempting to recall the name of famous WW2 British leader Winston Churchill during a sit-down with the current British PM (hence why joe biden is a retard)

by B~man August 17, 2023


Hadji the 4th grader

Hadji is a retard

by 453mikeh February 22, 2019


Big Brain Person

"Daaaaaaaamn he a retard"

by 7Qores February 22, 2022


Another word for the Donald that's dating my best friend and takes up all her fucking time

This was made by Alyssa's best friend Karina, who has to deal with the retard daily

by Karcasm December 26, 2019


Donald Trump

Smart guy 1. Don't You hate that retard.

Smart guy2. Yes.
Donald Trump. Hello.
Both smart guys. Get out of her retard!
Donald Trump. ๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ˜ช

by Dylan Minor November 21, 2018



deezy is a dumb retard

by A Nellsechs April 18, 2022


a super weird guy that was born ugly

fucking retard!!!!!!!!!!!

by knulljonny June 18, 2017