An ugly skanky chick who hides under your bed and fucks your boyfriend when you leave and go to work.
Fuck did you hear about Monica's boyfriend? Yeah he was fucking the troll Emily.
A person online who purposely puts others down just for kicks, such as disliking a photo without actually looking at it. Who knows? Maybe it's a picture of a baby kitten.
Person 1: Hey, what's wrong?
Person 2: I got so many dislikes on my photo ;(
Person 1: Don't worry about it. It's probably just an Internet troll.
Someone who "Shares" a tonn'ov yr stuff without giving any credit and or is trying to be like or as 'cool' as you because they're not original nor nearly as creative. Ha!
you post a bunch or original pictures in an album you've just created, and one person shares like everything and blows up your notifications and doesn't even say thank you or give you credit to you.
that is a troll
a woman who toils with a mans emotions. Also known as a tease,cunt, bitch or a whore.
girl: hey you want to meet up tonight?
guy: yeah sure what do you wanna do?
girl: oh a movie and then not watch it ;)
guy: what time?
girl: in an hr
guy: sure let me know when you want to meet
(4 hrs later)
guy: hey so are we meeting up?
guy: so whats the deal for tonight?
don't hear from her months on end; out of the blue
girl:hey you want to meet up tonight?
guy: Fuck you troll
"Troll" is basically just a prank. Troll is slang for deliberately trying to get a reaction out of posting something completely random and bizarre. A "troll" can be easily found if it has nothing to do with the current conversation, or you get a reaction from it. To simplify it, trolls are attention hungry people who will sacrifice others enjoyment for his own rise. The best way to deal with a troll is to ignore them and avoid having a dramatic reaction. This song says what a "troll" is (lyrics down below)
You've been trolled, you've been trolled
Yes, you've probably been told
Don't reply to this guy
He's just trying to get a rise
Out of you, yes, it's true
You respond and that's his cue
To start trouble on the double
While he strokes his manly stubble
You've been trolled, you've been trolled
You should probably just fold
When the only winning move is not to play
And yet you keep on trying, mindlessly replying
You've been trolled, you've been trolled, have a nice day
Teacher: Alight class, for some reason I can't open a webpage. Can anyone help?
Billy: *raises hand*
Teacher: Alright Billy, I trust you to open up the right website
(billy doesn't)
Billy: Alright teach! :)
Billy: *searches up changed rule 34*
Teacher: why do I see goo latex furies raping children, zoophilia and animal mating. what the actual fuck is wrong with my student, you know what, Billy? I'm calling the fucking police and FBI to detain yo ass.
Billy: we do a little trolling