On December 31, you and your homie have full permission to be each others new years kiss. Go to your closest homie and give them a kiss for good luck in the new year
Bro, it’s December 31 and my girl isn’t here
Well, it’s Kiss your homie day normally, so we might as well kiss
this the day you kiss a kaiden and he has to kiss you back for a recored 10-15 seconds no excuses from or her FEBUARY 28!!!!
Please, make this a thing.
Tiktok: crepebunny
"Lets celebrate National Kill All Rapers Day by getting knives and killing assaulters!"
a day where you ask anyone to send titties and they will
Paul: hey you know what day it is?
brianna: no what is it?
Paul: its national send tits day!
Brianna: oh how could i forget, here you go(sends it)
Everyone has to send their tits to you no matter what!
Peter: Hey, it’s national send tits day on March 26, show me your tits!
Anna: Of course Peter!
September 19th
The day you throw sofas whilst listening to heavy metal, specifically wargasm
Robert - "happy sofa yeet day!"
Vivi - "lmao"
On national chros day you have to give your friend named chros a ps4 controller and mlb 21 and a level 1000 trichikantops
National chros day is The day where you give your friend named Chros gifts