The razor burn acquired shaving your bikini line.
I got some side burns going on getting ready for the pool today.
A nickname given to male public utility worker who climbs up and down utility poles.
Don't drive your car too close to that pole. Peter Burns is up there.
A sensation that is a cross between the feeling of a tickle and a burn like when you run your ice cold hand under warm water.
Try a slow scratch on the bottom of your foot, it will give you a burning tickle.
Im a burned out creative kid like you.
making someone think you killed the girl they like when really the only crime you committed was being sexy af
Just told this dumbass I’m burning a greenhouse lol
Noun; A fake inside joke made in order to test if someone is laughing at your inside jokes without knowing what they mean.
Verb; The act of putting someone through some form of unspoken test to indoctrinate them into a clique.
"Yikes, man that was crazy. I guess you could say you were really burning the sock on that one. *Everybody pretends to laugh, even John, who doesn't know what the joke means*"
The act of having sexual
intercourse, and ejaculating, followed by a rapid departure from the scene.
What happened to that bird from last night- she was hot but seemed like a stage five clinger?
Yeah, we banged, but I got outta there ASAP- textbook dump and burn.