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Indy Effect

When an individual partakes in queueing (for Ten Mans, or Ranked) and all other participants of the event leaves the queue.

"Yo I think Indy is about to join TM queue"|
"Lmfao I'm good, I'm heading out"
"Ah, the classic Indy Effect"

by Indy Is Maldini July 11, 2021

The Beach Effect

A feeling of total looseness, relaxation, and clarity only achieved by being on the beach.

The Beach Effect

by TBE. March 11, 2019

The Beach Effect

The lapse in perception that makes girls appear sexier on the beach. It’s a combination of the little clothing, sunlight and other aspects of the environment that make them appear at least one/two points (out of ten) more attractive.

I met an Indian chick on the beach in Mexico and I thought she looked good. When we met up later that night to hang out she dropped from a 6 to a 4. Must have been the beach effect.

by nonamericanwomenonly September 13, 2022

David effect

When you’re really good at video games, but suddenly start doing bad.

Holy fuck ll phantom llvx has the David effect

by Xekzie August 22, 2019

Optimus Effect

used to define the sudden urge to rage quit against certain people.

How can you win so many games in such a short time?

Optimus effect

by EndersUDAccount May 1, 2020

Coleslaw Effect

When a homie hopper goes somewhere new and no one knows he's pick me asf, but people eventually realize over time till everyone hates him like everyone did at the last place.

"I feel bad for the girls at his new school."
"It's fine, the Coleslaw Effect will come through."

by weseeyousam December 20, 2022

The Spongebob Effect

The Spongebob Effect is a piece of music and/or picture that gives an unsettling, surreal feeling.

Guy 1: Watching a show and it ends
Guy 2: That has The Spongebob Effect

by splatoonguy May 23, 2022