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Lick my ball sack

A phrase used to angrily and inappropriately reject someone's opinion.

You hate blahblahblah? Lick my ball sack.

by Random Words & Definitions May 29, 2024

Dirty sack

It’s what someone tell you they have world war 4 up there anus when you guys are watching Teletubbies

1: hey want to watch porn?
2: nah I’m feeling a dirty sack with my girl

by Bitch sticks April 14, 2020

acid sack syndrome

Acid sack syndrome is a condition in which the apple bag (scrotum) is severely inflamed and chaffed as a result of shitting or sharting in the undershorts

Bill contacted acid sack syndrome cause he could n't make it to the shitter in time

by BIG T 49 July 10, 2023

Eyeball Sack

A crude way of saying "Eyelid"

Dude my eyeball sack is closing by itself I'm so tired.

by Mark Forsythe November 19, 2010

crap sack

a crap or poop in a sack

yo that girl gut a lot of crap sacks

by penal cavity April 29, 2016

Sack Saddling


Triple Penetration. One gent is entering her ass, while a second gent is in her vagina. Then third gent stands over the second gents cock so his sack hangs with a testicle on both sides.

Hey Bro, I love the way it feels when you're Sack Saddling with me.

by BoronIdentity August 9, 2014

United States Ass Sacking

An expression in the Turkey woods when a hunter or hunting partners harvest two or more turkeys in a single day.

I’ll say ol buddy, today was a United States Ass Sacking!

It’s been a rough go as of late. Sure would be great to have a good ol United States Ass Sacking today.

by Fannie’s Beaver Pelt May 11, 2024