What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Sexual Deviant (Angel Jose Robles)
Based on the concept that a dying animal/ person becomes very lucid and overexcited before death, but with relationships. A week before a break up the sexual chemistry and atmosphere is heightened in a last climax before the inevitable decline.
Me and Karly had that sexual terminal lucidity, you know? Like that week before sex hit DIFFERENT
CHAD. Not homophobic but disagrees with toxic agenda of some lgbt community members. Respects gay people who pursue equality rights of both genders thru righteous means.
I like dinosaurs so im a trex sexual.
Try sexuals will do anything to 'release' their hornyness. They would fuck anything. A car, pickle, pan, animal, tree.
John: OMG dude I'm soo fucking horny I'll fuck anything.
Rick: Dude I'm Try sexual which means I'll have sex with anything. It's fun. You should try it some time.
John: Imma go fuck something in my car.
> John starts fucking a tissue box when Rick comes in <
Rick: Yo dude can I join?
> John and Rick have sex <
Excessive hatred for Jadon sancho that makes you wonder if guys are jealous they can't suck his dick
Raynor is such a "sancho-sexual"
One who is sexually and romantically attracted to only Eve Parker Bae Coltharp/Mizener
Girl 1: “He is so hot I’d smash you think he’s into me?”
Girl 2: “Who Jaden? No he’s Eve-Sexual”
A Male dude that likes Subaru Vehicles and women that like Subaru
Person 1 (A man of course) : Yo I'm subaru-sexual and I watch initial D
Person 2 (a woman of course) : *Drops her panties immediately *