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Blow Trees Get Money

First used in the 2010 debut single called "Teach Me How to Dougie" performed by California Swag District (C.S.D). Meaning 'smoke marijuana and get money' said by 'M Bone'

Cuz I don't give a f*ck blow trees get money

by btgm July 14, 2010

29๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

national blow job week

the time of the month when a woman is menstruating.

Darling, I have good news and I have bad news. The bad news is that we can't have sex. The good news is that at least it is National Blow Job Week.

by mercedesdelmar August 8, 2005

119๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

blow job from hell

When a girl felashes you and the next day you are unable to walk properly. This unpleasant experience is due to the constant scraping of incisors upon one's penis. When this occurs, "going commando" is imperative because even the most comfortable boxers feel like a paper shredder.

My mom asked me if I hurt my knee but the cause of my limp was a blow job from hell.

by Brelissa May 15, 2008

93๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

giving the ghost a blow job

When you are sitting in class and keep nodding off so that your head slides forward and then you jerk back awake so that it looks like you're giving a blow job to the invisible person in front of you.

"I saw you over there giving the ghost a blow job"

by Desert Eagle September 11, 2006

119๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blow it out your ass

basically means fuck you. one of the few examples where a shorter meaning is replaced with a larger phrase.

If you mad I'm on top, then wish me gone
If you mad I'm on the road, then wish me home
And if you mad that I'm right, punk wish me wrong
But after your three wishes...- BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS!

by AkumaGouki May 13, 2004

590๐Ÿ‘ 189๐Ÿ‘Ž

blowing up my phone

constant text messaging, getting another message before you've finished typing your reply. typically the sender has the hots for the receiver.

"He won't lay off. He keeps blowing up my phone."

by KDinTX August 29, 2009

209๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bay City Blow Job

When you take a girl that looks like shrek out to the car and while she is giving you head you puke out the window of the car. (Bay City Michigan has more bars per capita than any other city in the US)

Dan just had a few shots and took that chick out back for a Bay City Blow Job.

by Snoophog May 11, 2011

47๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž