Meaning, laugh out loud, can be referred to when someone says something funny or you have said something funny. Normally used in text messages or out loud in a conversation with friends or family (Informal phrase)
me:bruh i wish im impostor
blue:if you vote the wrong person im gonna kill you
me:finally im impostor
brain:nice job that you tricked blue
When used as a response in text, while being followed and preceded by no other word, there is a 75 percent chance it means " fuck off". 24 percent chance of meaning "I'm so fucking boring I can't think of anything else to say" and a 1 percent chance of meaning "you're funny"
When used with other word, there is a 70 percent chance of meaning " I'm trying to play it chill lighten the mood and sound friendly" 29 percent chance of having no meaning, and 1 percent chance of meaning " I just laughed out loud"
Bob: hey I need someone to talk to right now. My mom died 9 months ago but before she died she was raped. Now I have a host baby brother and he just took a shit on my desk. I want to remove it but my hand just passes through. How do I remove ghost poop from my desk help my gf is cumming over in 5 minutes!!!!
Jacob: lol
a word that is commonly used when texting, short for laugh out loud; shows amusement
I saw that cat, lol
lol that was nice