A very stereotypical gay person. Usually used when that person is being flirty with their significant other.
*two girls are holding hands*
Friend of couple- "Get over here you adorable walking gay bars!"
Sowaar Bar also known as the capital of stage dives in Pretoria South Africa is a bar known for live music , cold beer , fantastic food and even better people.
Their slogan "Laat dit juig" simply means let the good times roll .
Breakfast , lunch and dinner + a show.
The show at Sowaar Bar was epic last weekend!
A bar in a resturant that is vacant, no customers sitting, no bartenders working. Perfect for introverts who dont want to be seen eating or drinking.
Host: where would you like to sit?
Customer: at the bar.
Host: we dont have any bartenders working, is that ok
Customer: a void bar? My favorite.
The act of putting your dick in your partners ass, having them take a dumb while its in there, and then having them push your dick out with the turd. You then push it back in, and continue for as long as you want.
Dang bro i really pulled the Bulgarian Chocolate Bar on that crazy girl last night
Getting jacked off in the bathroom of a public space by an older man who resembles former two-time United States Attorney General William Barr.
I just got Bill Barred in the bathroom by some old dude.
When you poop in the back of an Uber, often as a sign of disapproval for your ride or driver, but in some rare cases it can be used to show affection.
Ryan: My Uber sucked.
Cody: Oh, did you give a bad rating?
Ryan: Nah, I just left a Backseat Klondike Bar.
In essence, when one is acting like a granola bar, it means that they are acting in an unstable and unprecedented manner, that it evokes concern to all individuals nearby. Like Nature Valley Granola Bars, which tend to disintegrate easily. If an individual's mental health and overall lifestyle is showing signs of decline and instability, one could say that they are acting like a granola bar. In closure, to act like a granola bar means that you are fucking Wilding and acting crazy asf.
Person 1 background: recently lost their job, about to be evicted, has gotten numerous restraining orders in the last few days, hasn't taken care of their hygiene in a long ass time, and is doing black tar heroin on the double.
"Hey bro, you see that thicc ass Boulder near the highway?"
Person 2: "yeah what about it?"
Person 1: " yo we should like totally drive full speed towards it, it would be like so poggers lol"
Person 2:" imma be real with you, you have been acting like a granola bar recently, I think we should have an intervention"