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A Wetback

He was hot, but I don't date K-own-ders!

by Jeneric September 26, 2016

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

stinkoman K 20x6

the japenise vesion of our king strong bad and his only known atk. is the double duce

strong bad: id have difrent boots like...uh...robot boots

by sean pike April 18, 2004

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

K-O-Y rule

k-o-y rule is a simple and effective method on popular applications such as Facebook chat or AIM to get annoying people to fuck off. Basically, all you do is respond "k", "o", and "y" after everything the annoying person says. They will realize that your one letter responses seem to show lack of interest in the subject at hand. Repeat if intended subject isn't fucking off

K-O-Y rule in action:
Example 1:
Jack: Hey Phillip!
Phillip: k
Jack: Wanna hang out?
Phillip: o
Jack: Well I didn't mean to be a bother...
Phillip: y
Phillip: k

Example 2:
David: ...and then Julie started acting strange
Phillip: k
David: But I didn't finish.
Phillip: o
David: Will you stop with that??
Phillip: y

by kkpeezout November 25, 2011

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

gg no re k thx

A popular Battle.net expression used to denote a substantial victory followed by no rematch. Often given before the fact in error. Literally: good game, no rematch, thanks


by marK July 3, 2003

356πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

Bump β€˜n F**k

The pay-by -the-hour type motel where you don’t really wanna be caught dead and are also slightly terrified might have at least one contagious disease on any given surface...still, you find yourself frequenting this type of establishment when the urge you feel and itch you need to scratch to turn up and have a quickie must be scratched.

β€˜See you at the β€˜bump β€˜n f**k’ in an hour...don’t forget to bring cash and your ID!! ....And possibly some antibiotics!!!”

by ROLEXX/ WHITE RAPPERZ August 2, 2019

25πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Turner Bartels k-8

Welcome to Turretner Bitchtels! Home of the FAKE, and if not the fake, home of lying, cringy, ugly, drug selling and, useless sluts. Nothing says Turner Bartels like stolen phones, unathletic black kids, racist teachers, annoying grade sluts that think everyone loves them, weird ass Indians, and kids that won’t hit puberty until there mid 30’s. A good thing is if your lucky you might find a slut that actually has cleavage instead if every flat girl in the school, but watch out! 90 percent of them have aids so... In conclusion if your looking for a shitty school with constant bullying by teachers and used old pussy, Turner Bartels is the place to go!

I hate Turner Bartels k-8

by Bo111 February 13, 2018

48πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Re(k)nob-(the k is silent) and/or renob

A Danish translation from the root word 'renobhobgoblin'.

1) When a door is unable to be opened due to mechanical failure (broken door knob), you have to re(k)nob the door.

2) A physical anomoly that happens when a male reproductive organ deflates or becomes flacid, very rapidly. Usually from fright, fear, unwanted touching from another male, or very strong, unpleasant vaginal odor. The opposite action of a p'fong.

1) "Damn, the door won't open. I will need to renob it."

2) "I just saw your gramma's tain't when she bent over to pick up her purse. I have renob now"

re(k)nob-(the k is silent) and/or renob

by handyfella February 4, 2010

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