Douchebag quality. If you were flat bill hats, for example, you are a douchebag and therefore you have swag.
Oh my God did you see that idiot over there? He has some serious swag!
Wow Rachel, look at that swaggy hunk of douche.
Secretly We Are Gay
thats right homies
gotta love it
i think you should become part of the swag club.
heheh you don't know it yet but I already am
Naomy is the definition of swag. They are the swaggest person ever.
Look at her, it’s naomy and they’re so swag omg
what i have or what lines my pockets
"hey! cowboylexapro has a lot of swag! both in the money sense and cool facor."
A word to describe someone who’s personality is similar to that of Michael sera, lil Xan, or Kostya Kimlat.
You see that old man over there? He seems pretty swag!