The feeling of arousal that comes from consuming an alarmingly amount of pork products.
Quinn is balls deep in a pig after celebrating the end of Ramadan by binging on Canadian bacon.
n. a sound made by a guinea pig that sounds like that of a cat; a sound a guinea pig makes to signify pleasure
While petting JP, my guinea pig he made a big Guinea Pig Purr
When playing "just the whiskers" isn't enough.
She made me promise to keep it just the whiskers, but we ended up full-on guinea-pigging all night long.
A fine Chinese local pig breed with excellent meat quality.
Tan Shanshan's fans are particularly fond of eating yellow hairy pigs
Hanging out at the bar until closing time in order to take home whatever is laying around.
Dude where the fuck is Keith?
He's chumming for slam pigs, let's just meet him at the beach tomorrow
A way to describe an ugly, unappealing person.
"Hey, have you seen Tom?"
"Yeah he's such a gruff-e-pig."
A suspicious animal that found in the Shanghai Huangpu district in 2021. A very cutie, and kind pig.
This pig only belongs to princess Zheng, who is the most gorgeous person in the universe.
Little Black Pig feels emo while princess Zheng is trying to do so.