A phrase you tell you buddies after buying liquor. Wanting to take the night to a next level of drunkness. Doing a whole lot of shit that would be stupid to do while sober.
Joey: "Stef , you were right fucked tonight. You frigging stole his booze, his smokes, and his dog."
Stef: " I was drunk. What do you expect. we bought a 60oz of vodka."
When you are naked and your legs are spreaded and your partner is between your legs and you do a squat then your partner sucks your dick
Dude me and this Russian whore righted all night
Scottish/northern English sarcasm for I don't believe you
your dads an astronaut? aye right
Common expression originating in the county of Cornwall England. Usually used to express positivity and/or agreement within conversation.
“Hey Dave, I’ll be able to bring that beer you wanted this evening”
“Right on, Gary!”
This phrase is used a lot at the fast food chain ‘In ‘N Out’. If you listen closely to the employees inside they are always saying it to each other instead of saying yes or okay. Sometimes they will say it to the customers as well.
Manger: Can you pass this order out to this person?
Employee: RIGHT ON.
When someone or something is "cool" or well liked by a majority
a phrase used for any inconvenience or happy moment in life, it can be used in different tones, such as excitement, melancholy, cherish full, etc.
Friend - hey let’s go to the mall
Person - AM I RIGHT???