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why exercise when you can get extra sides

A stupid phrase I came up with meaning "Why be healthy when you can be fat as fuck?"

P1: Hey, how's your diet change been going?
P2: I stopped.
P1: What?! Why?! You're gonna get diabetes man!
P2: Why exercise when you can get extra sides?
P1: ...

by A Simple Idiot Was Taken February 19, 2022

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Well said aid in a eement can be used as reeting, hey ats up

If you look at that mug that Urban Dictionary advertises really closely, it’ll say this. Well, of what you can read of it.

You: Well said aid in a eement can be used as reeting, hey ats up.
Your friend: wat da fuq dit u jus sae?

by Hongolomngonolongongous November 3, 2020

32πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world

during half life 2 G man said this

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world - G man

by Smart words sussybaka January 11, 2022

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Ask Satan if he has got a Car that I can Borrow

A saying that basically means "Go to hell" or "See you in hell."

Can also mean "I'd rather be in hell"

Jill- "Are you ready for that huge test in Science tomorrow?"
John- "Ugh! Might as well ask Satan if he has got a Car that I can Borrow."

Billy- "Hey stupid face! I bet you like to rape iguanas and lick your mothers clitorus!
Greg- "Asshole! Why don't you Ask Satan if he has got a Car that I can Borrow!"

by GuyWhoSexedAFish April 25, 2009

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why ban gay marriage when you can ban kids bop

i’m making this definition so i can buy it on a shirt.

why ban gay marriage when you can ban kids bop would look great on a shirt

by sadinpink November 3, 2019

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hola soy dora can you find where i gave a fuck

Dora has resorted to bullying 10 year olds on Roblox

β€œhola soy dora can you find where i gave a fuck?”

by ✿ Partum Ignavum ✿ June 4, 2022

is it a four letter word that you can use in various ways that are mostly positive?

Hell yea!
That’s love!

The question is: is it a four letter word that you can use in various ways that are mostly positive?

by Not me 2.0 November 9, 2020