Is someone who has a brain the size of a micro bacteria, but only the viruses because they are half the size of a normal cell.
"your such a fruitloop, you have a micro bacteria brain."
A deadly, suicide-inducing disease commonly caused by exposure to the English class of year nine extension. The word is rather self explanatory, as symptoms contain: Ebola, cancer, and brain tumours that result of post traumatic stress disorders (from the disease). It also feels as though you were struck by all of the bombings that took place in the battle of Hiroshima.
"Oh no James," exclaimed Jonno. "I think I feel a case of Ebancershima Brain Tumours creeping up on me, ready for the three way murder?"
When you are feeling particularly dumb during a studying session you are experiencing smooth brain hours.
Having a smooth brain is a sign of little to no intelligence, animals such as the koala bear, rats, and Magga have an extremely smooth brain and therefore are quite unintelligent.
"Hey Theodore I can't seem to find the solution to this math problem"
"No wonder Guni just look at Maggie in the corner over there counting cards, we are deep in the smooth brain hours"
"Ahh I feel it in my veins"
"The only way out is to embrace it and wait it out yung one"
A day when you rest from school, and potentially become smooth-brained, also known as the day of idiots.
Person 1: Hey, what’s Obama’s last name?
Person 2: -_- How smooth brained can you get on Smol Brain Friday? Obama is the last name.
Getting a blowjob inside an ice fishing hut on a frozen lake
A: Did you hear what happened to steve last night?
B: No what?
A: He got a Minnesota brain freeze from sally rottencroch inside an ice fishing hut.
When you get a blowjob inside an ice fishing hut on a frozen lake
A: Hey did you hear what happened to steve last night
B: No what?
A: He got a Minnesota brain freeze from sally in an ice fishing hut.
To find someone’s intellectual capacities so sapiosexually stimulating that you want to figuratively make out with their brain
Oh damn, I love how you described that- lemme lick your brain.