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neg boy

a fellow who talks negatively about exciting random activities

"hey vinesh, let's go get loaded and laid"
"na, thats shit"
"errr, vinesh ya neg boy!"

by omendra October 1, 2006

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boy nipple

(noun) when a grown female (meaning she is of age, perverts), has a rather small nipple, it can be referred to as a 'boy nipple' (hense the fact that most nipples on most boys are smaller). also known as a baby nipple, dime sized nipple, etc.

I had this dream last night that my dad caught a glimpse of my boy nipple! I was so embarressed because now he's not sure if I am a daughter or a son! WTFFFFFF!!

by jenntellem April 8, 2009

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curve boy

gay guy

not straight

look at that curve boy

by blahyah July 7, 2009

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Vsco Boy

You’ll see him wearing his Old School Vans with Denim pants or Nike Shorts, he wears a lot of wacky shirts but finds a way to make it look cool. He like wise is like a vsco girl but without the scrunchies. He most likely is a surfer or plays volleyball. He likes Rex Orange County and Frank Ocean, but he will forever have his mind on Tyler, the creator. He says he isn’t vsco but always is.

Do you see that boy with that 2009 Long Beach windbreaker; he’s totally a vsco boy.
Have you heard Rex Orange County’s new song, I heard all the vsco boys love it.

by ThriftyBoi October 24, 2019

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Fuck boy

Childish male who disrespects and screws over females and most likely has a small penis yet talks all this talk

Man, Jacob and Nathan are such fuck boys for screwing over those girls who are completely out of their league.

by Fucknathanandjacob February 21, 2016

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frat boy

1.) See homosexual
2.) The same neanderthalistic douchebags that used to play high school football and talk about how shitty you were in high school who now joined a homoerotic club so they can rape each other's ass in private.
3.) A collection of date-rapists that like to drink shitty beer and "stick it in" passed out drunk girls.
4.) Scum of the earth.
5.) A collection of the people with the smallest penises on a college campus.

Woah, look at that frat boy riding around in his giant monster truck with KC lights and the passed out girl in the passenger seat. I hope his truck tires blow out and he flips over and burns in a firey inferno.

by Dave Grohl October 25, 2004

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Mama's Boy

A boy that pretends to be a man. He can't handle real life situations because he runs to his mom like a little bitch. This boy will have a stable relationship with a woman because he is still sucking on his mother s tit. Every argument, every event, hell everytime he have sex ,, his mother will no about it.! He looks for mother's consent before any decision with wife/gf. Try to make himself seem like angel in her eyes. Mama boys are man raised in single parent homes, alcoholics or spoiled brats.

Wife: I am so tired of you telling your mother our business. Handle it itself. MAN UP.!
Mama's Boy: *calls mom*

by blackass! February 24, 2015

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