A mint crib. Complete with blinging cardboard and blinging car sound effects
Yo! maan. Wanna come round me crib on the M5?
Do have blinging cardboard?
Yeah yeah, and blinging car sound effects maaan..
Wow! BLINGIN! let us see this box on M5 maaaan
Yeah yeah Blingin!
ANDRE: hey Luis, you gonna give me some of that bussy tonight?
(Luis queefs)
ANDRE: damn I ain’t goin anywhere near that HAUNT BOX tonight.
Noun person who works over night stocking merchandise while the store is close
Also see Box Goblin king the night manager or supervisor that organizes and leads the box goblins
I tasked my box goblins with replenishing the toilet paper aisle since covid panic decimated our shelves.
The electronic brick you carry around to stalk and sneak around on social media.
Stop stalking people on that dang sneak box!
A vagina with highly pigmented labia majora and very pink labia minora.
Man, I was with this girl last night and was so psyched to see her pussy, but when I took off her g-string... wow, what a Pastrami Box she had!