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National beat up midgets day

On may 27 itโ€™s national beat up midgets day

Beat up anyone under 5 foot and to beat someone up u have to be 5,4 or taller get ready for national beat up midgets day

by Dabbydeb September 26, 2020

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Beat Up A Chespin Day

July 28th is beat up a Chespin from the Pokemon series. You beat up a Chespin because there dick heads.

I beat up a Chespin because it was Beat Up A Chespin Day.

by Chespin Hater July 28, 2020

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Don't beat a dead horse

Acknowledging Urbandictionary as a credible dictionary in all of your classes.

Don't beat a dead horse:
"What is a Pepsi Challenge?"
"Well Urbandictionary says..."

by Anonghgh July 24, 2013

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National Beat Up Vinny Day

National Beat Up Vinny Day is the day on the 27th of November where you can beat up anyone named Vinny and if they fight back you are allowed to hit them with a semi-truck.

Oh hey, it's National Beat Up Vinny Day, you know what that means, Vinny!

by Folmsy November 21, 2021

Beat the Hell Out of MEE6 Day

โ€œBeat the Hell Out of MEE6 Dayโ€ is a day celebrated on July the 19th every month by bullying the discord bot โ€œMEE6.โ€

Since today was Beat the Hell Out of MEE6 Day, my friends and I took the day off so we could bully MEE6.

by Moxxie! July 5, 2022

Beat up a Wobber/Bomper day

Every April 14th, you can legally beat up a Wobber/Bomper and they legally can not fight back.

Person 1: Jax is such a wobber, I'm going to beat his ass one day
Person 2: Good thing it's Beat up a Wobber/Bomper day!
Person 1: Awesome!

by mwmwmwwmwwmwwmmwwmwwmw April 14, 2022

Beat A Friend You Hate Day

On November 28th, it is a day to beat up a friend you hate! and they can't do anything back.

Guy 1: Its Beat A Friend You Hate Day
Guy 2: I'm gonna go beat up my friend I hate!

by categorieslanguages November 28, 2021